نوشته شده توسط : زپو

 A Companion to Modern British and Irish Drama 1880-2005

This volume was peculiarly beset with catastrophic events, the first and worst of
which was the very sad death of Clive Barker. Clive would have written the essay on
drama and World War I; instead readers got me. Following Clive’s last exit contributors
suffered mysterious palsies, hospitalization, the death of close relatives, the
hospitalization of close relatives, chronic administration syndrome, deadline phobia,
cricket addiction, and domestic flooding. That this volume was completed at all says
much about the extraordinary dedication of its essayists and to all I extend my
warmest gratitude. I would like, in particular, to thank John Brannigan, John Bull,
John Deeney, Gabriele Griffin, Declan Kiberd, Lionel Pilkington, David Ian Rabey,
Anthony Roche and Katharine Worth for very helpful conversations and correspondence.
Andy Lavender, Jan McDonald, and Victor Merriman came on board late in the
project and delivered superb chapters. Christy Adair, Maggie Gale, Dan Rebellato and
Simon Mills all gave useful feedback. John Lennard was, as ever, a generous and
enlightening discussion partner. My work on this Companion was greatly helped by
financial support from the Department of English’s F. R. Leavis Fund at the University
of York. My colleagues were supportive and enthusiastic: Laura Chrisman and
Victoria Coulson were excellent readers, Lawrence Rainey commiserated heartily,
Derek Attridge gave sound advice, and Ben Harker was an astute conversationalist.
Mike Cordner and Richard Rowland are beyond compare as colleagues and friends.
Emilie Pine’s proof-reading was a godsend. Thanks go to Duncan Wu, who spoke
words of wisdom at critical points. Dawn Fowler and Kate Holeywell gave invaluable
help with administration and research. During the summer when I was editing most
intently Kai Low’s company and cooking made me almost light-headed with happiness.
There are no words for Vike Plock’s steadfast and careful editorial assistance: she
is superhuman and you heard it here first. Lastly, I would like to thank Emma Bennett
for commissioning me to do this fantastic project; Astrid Wind for her unfailing and
good-humoured efficiency; Fiona Sewell for her meticulous copyediting; Greg Callus
for indexing with a conscience; and Tom Hunt for laconic support.

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 4 خرداد 1395 | نظرات ()

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